

"I have always tried to understand who we humans are, and that is a real struggle. While living in France in the middle of the 2010s, during a party, I quietly observed all these people around me, wondering what makes them all so similar. Suddenly, I saw a figure composed of cubes or blocks in my mind and realized that it fits us well because it tells something profoundly true about us. Despite our pride, we remain rude, isolated, and composed of basic elements. We play Minecraft to build our own worlds and feel like creators. In reality, we seem to be biological machines with no free-will that only adapt to that huge world they'll never understand.


I wanted to incorporate this figure of cubes into my paintings. However, creating it revealed a tough task. It took me years to figure out how to develop the cubic figure, and, I must say, it's a highly complex and structured process. This was long before AI technology could generate images in mere seconds, and surprisingly, AI still can't replicate a cubic figure like that. I suppose it's because it is more about humans than computers."—Ilya Yod.